• Communications Strategy
  • Collaboration
  • View Collaboration
  • Director’s Colloquium
  • National Security Life Sciences – Biosecurity Preparedness
  • Postdoctoral Research
  • Student Programs
  • Hydrogen Portal
  • Workforce Programs Office (WFPO)
  • National Security Education Center
  • Fellows
  • Feynman Center For Innovation
  • Internships
  • Nuclear Security and Safeguards Training
  • Center for National Security and International Studies
  • Pathogen Research Databases
  • Research Opportunities
  • Uniting LANL’s workforce development efforts through communication

    The Workforce Programs Office partners and assists in specific areas related to professional development.

    WFPO’s data gathering efforts have revealed many pockets of excellence in professional development across many organizations at the Laboratory. Our office seeks to serve the laboratory as a center of communication in the following ways:

    • Publicizing professional development efforts across our Professional Development and Learning Network through monthly newsletters
    • Highlighting professional development best practices and professional development resources from internal and external sources
    • Coordinating, connecting, and communicating the university pipelining efforts across the lab
    • Building and maintaining our Professional Development and Learning Network