Licensing Practices 

  • Financial consideration may include an issue license fee, annual license fee, and/or royalties, as appropriate. We seek an equitable return to the laboratory without impeding the licensee’s ability to successfully commercialize the technology.
  • Performance requirements may be established to ensure the licensee is diligent in their commercialization plan.
  • Non-exclusive licenses are customary, but we do consider exclusive licenses in a specific field of use or with time constraints.  These are considered based on business case and a competitive assessment of potential licensees.  These licenses are generally more expensive and have more stringent performance requirements.
  • Commercial licensees must substantially manufacture their product in the U.S., given the Department of Energy’s intent to provide benefit to the U.S. economy.
  • The U.S. government retains a right to use and continue development of the technology for government purposes.

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