Laser System Facility

Pulscan Pulsys RAD Single-Photon Absorption (SPA)

capability Snapshot


Pulscan Pulsys RAD single-photon absorption (SPA) laser system facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory is available to satellite component companies to evaluate their components destined for space and provide assurance of reliable performance in high radiation environments. 

The SPA laser facility can test for radiation-induced single-event failures that may occur in space flight, allowing for low cost means of identifying and solving issues before launching a space asset. Unlike other single-event testing facilities, our SPA laser capability provides greater access to uniform and repeatable testing of complex microelectronic components. It is comprised of state-of-the-art laser devices and access to Los Alamos expertise, making it less costly to conduct tests compared to larger accelerator facilities. 

Los Alamos has a legacy of successfully testing components for space missions. The SPA facility is ready to assist satellite and microelectronic component companies to expedite robust development cycles. 

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Published: 2023-08-06


Application Area

Sectors:Advanced Materials & Manufacturing


Industries:Devices and Instruments

Markets:Aerospace, National Security

Partnership Opportunities

Seeking to connect with aerospace and defense organizations interested in using pulsed lasers to investigate single-event effects in electronic parts.

    Technology Readiness Level:

    1 - Basic Principle Identified

    Michael Erickson

    Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Los Alamos, NM 87545


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