Agreement: Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA)
Description: A CRADA allows Los Alamos and its partners to conduct research and development together under a joint statement of work to optimize resources and leverage technical expertise and capabilities.
Terms: The Lab may receive funding from a partner or each party to the CRADA funds its own effort and contribution to the joint statement of work. NNSA approves work.
Intellectual Property (IP): CRADA partners receive a first right to negotiate a license of the IP created through a CRADA. The US Government retains rights to practice the IP generated for government use only
For more information, please email
Agreement: Strategic Partnership Projects with Non-Federal Entities (SPP-NFE)
Description: The Lab performs a defined scope of work under a fee-for-service agreement.
Terms: The partner organization funds all costs and minimum advance payment terms are required. NNSA must approve the agreement.
Intellectual Property (IP): The joint generation of IP is not contemplated. In the event LANL does generate IP, the participant may elect title to the invention(s). The US Government retains rights to practice IP generated under a SPP-NFE for government use only.
For more information, please email
Agreement: Non-Disclosure Agreement
Description: Protects the disclosure of proprietary information provided by one party to another party to exchange technical information and sensitive business information.
Terms: Terms: No tangible work is performed nor is intellectual property generated or protected.
For more information, please email
Description: Allows organizations to conduct research at the following national user facilities: the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE), National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) and Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT).
Terms: Each facility has its own use-based application process.
Intellectual Property (IP): Partner organization can own or access IP, non-proprietary users must publish results.