Agreement: Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA)

Description: A CRADA allows Los Alamos and its partners to conduct research and development together under a joint statement of work to optimize resources and leverage technical expertise and capabilities. 

Terms: The Lab may receive funding from a partner or each party to the CRADA funds its own effort and contribution to the joint statement of work. NNSA approves work. 

Intellectual Property (IP): CRADA partners receive a first right to negotiate a license of the IP created through a CRADA. The US Government retains rights to practice the IP generated for government use only

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Agreement: Non-Disclosure Agreement

Description: Protects the disclosure of proprietary information provided by one party to another party to exchange technical information and sensitive business information.  

Terms: Terms: No tangible work is performed nor is intellectual property generated or protected.

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Description: Allows organizations to conduct research at the following national user facilities: the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE), National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) and Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT)

Terms: Each facility has its own use-based application process. 

Intellectual Property (IP): Partner organization can own or access IP, non-proprietary users must publish results.